Hello to anyone who happens to stumble onto my blog! My cousin has been blogging for a few years now and I find its a nice way to keep up with someone when you can't see them often. So with that in mind, I decided to take a stab at letting people know what's going on in my life. Currently, I am Executive Producer of a film at UCSC in addition to a full time course load and two part time jobs. Needless to say I'm busy. I enjoy everything that is going on in my life though and would probably be insanely bored if I wasn't this busy all the time.
So now that you know what's new in my life, I'll get to the point of my blog: entertaining and exciting things that happen in my busy life.
One interesting thing that I encountered this weekend was an insanely bad party (after a full day of filming I decided since I didn't have to get up early for work the next day that I would go, hang out for a bit, and maybe provide rides to campus if the need arose)...and it wasn't that the people throwing the party weren't awesome. The problem was all the freshmen, who were testing their drinking limits. Part of the problem was that half of them were just completely letting themselves go; these kids were letting the alcohol effect them more than it actually did. Running around bumping into walls and yelling as loud as they could. The worst though, was girl I will call "Bertha". Bertha was a freshman who showed up so drunk that she could not put food in her mouth and was trying to grab drinks from people and take them to her friends who were waiting outside to crash the party. She didn't make it outside though...and spilled the drink all over the floor. Then didn't clean up the large amount of alcohol. She was far from the only one out of control drunk too. She stood out in the fact that she led the barrage of freshman crashers who were not known by anyone throwing the party. I ran into one of the hosts who was mouthing WTF, WTF over and over again, I definitely felt that way too. I don't think I'm getting too old for parties, but I definitely felt out of place when wild 18 year old after 18 year old showed up and I very quickly decided that this was not the place for me to be. I helped a friend, who was quite sloshed when I showed up, drink some water and sober up a bit, then gave him and several other friends a ride home so that they didn't have to witness anymore of the disaster zone. To the renters: I'm so sorry chaos descended on your house like that and I hope nothing dramatic happened after we left. And that is the bad party, as I saw it.
Tell me how you see it! I am excited to communicate with people.
Woo hoo!! High five Cassie!!
ReplyDeleteI cant wait to follow your adventures...as you see it of course.