Monday, January 31, 2011

I have a thyroid

Ok so I don't actually have a thyroid, but I did find a super cute little pin version of my removed organ at the pharmacy on campus that really made me smile.  It now occupies the lapel of my jacket.
Apparently created by a former student with anatomical and artistic inclinations, there was a whole series of internal organs, including the very cheerful thyroid.  It's called "I heart guts" and is most definitely now on my list of favorite things.  With my insanely busy schedule ( I am taking a mini-break from writing a mock NSF grant to write this) it is really important to find things that can carry you through.

I will have classes until 5:45, then probably spend several hours in the library, then finally go home to eat.  While this sounds very dull and time consuming, there is an upside: my class and library time will be spent with one of my best friends and my boyfriend.  Things like sharing the torture of film screenings really make it easier to survive the often boring movies.  Now I can add sharing my super cute thyroid with them to the list of upsides for my day.

Life can get monotonous and finding joy in things is the most important way to, not only enjoy life more, but appreciate every experience you have.

Tell me how you see it!  What simple thing made you happy today?


  1. The orange and yellow tulips I bought at trader joe's today made me happy.

  2. Sarah, I really enjoyed your post the other day about eating healthy, the chard picture was amazingly bright!
