Friday, February 25, 2011

30 in 30ish

My cousin, a fellow blogger (sensibly sassy), has been doing 30 in 30ish for a few weeks now and I decided it would be a good way for people to learn more about me. So here it goes:
30 in 30ish topics

1)Your work space.
2)The best part of your day.
3)Something you refuse to do.
4)Last book you read.
5)Meaning behind your blog name.
6)Talent you wish you had.
7)A photo of you without makeup.
8)Last item you purchased.
9)Something that makes you sad.
10)15 Facts about you.
11)Your favorite thing right now.
12)Best Christmas present you ever got.
13)Your favorite teacher.
14)Something you’re thankful for.
15)A photo from your childhood.
16)Something you crave.
17)Your worst hair moment (if you skip this one, it’s totally cool).
18)Favorite smells.
19)Last time you cried.
20)Last time you had to apologize to someone.
21)Something that scares you.
22)Something that really bugs you.
23)What you dislike most about your appearance.
24)Celebrity crush.
25)A trait you deplore in others.
26)A photo taken 10 years ago.
27)First book/movie/song that moved you.
28)What turns you off?
29)The story behind one of your scars.

I won't be posting everyday, but there are definitely some that I can knock at the same time.  soooo without further ado,  I'll start with number number 2: the best part of my day.

The best part of my day is going to bed.  Strange, I know.  But no matter how bad my day has been, or how stressful, or even how exciting and fun, I know that at the end of the day I can curl up next to Anthony and talk about my day.  Its soothing to know that I always have someone to talk to.  Even if we have driven each other crazy all day on set or disagreed about a project, we always find a way to calmly discuss things and go to bed feeling really good about tomorrow.  I think its very important for people to have this support and comfort. 

That's just how I see it.  What is the best part of your day?


  1. I agree that having someone to share your ups and downs with is great! Having that comfort to look forward too at night is the best. I feel blessed to have found that this late in life!

  2. OOh so glad you are doing this too,I can't wait to see your responses!
