Friday, May 27, 2011


I was lucky enough to find my niche in college early winter quarter of my freshman year.  FPC has always been my group of friends and collaborators.  This year, we selected and made the film Paranormals.  Watch the epic trailer HERE.  Every year we strive to improve our technical skills and teach people new skills at the same time.  Every year we succeed, but I think this year we deserve to pat ourselves on the backs a little.

We anticipated many of the major problems we have encountered in the past, and this forward thinking allowed us to avoid several disasters (knock on wood).  Even a very delirious incident of dropping the hard-drive containing our footage, and unfortunately a very large amount of Anthony's personal files, did not set us back on our timeline.  

Not only technically did we advance, but (this may just be my bias) this project is hilarious and very fun to watch.  I am proud to have been a part of it and this has been a superb way to end my career as president of this club.  

If you are interested in attending our premiere, you can RSVP HERE.  Please come out tomorrow at 5:30pm to the Media Theater and show your support of all the film students who have worked so hard to make this movie the glorious masterpiece it is!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


So although I followed the doctor's orders and didn't move for a week, then continued to take it easy and ice my back every chance I got, I have not really gotten better.  In fact, my leg and foot have started hurting as well.  I decided to go to another doctor and she had xrays done, as well as prescribing me muscle relaxants.  she also referred me to a chiropractor.  Just a few days later a chiropractor came into the Capitola mall location of Super Silver and said he just joined a practice and was giving out coupons for free sessions with him at his new location.  Well what are the odds!?!

Today I took up Mark Tenenbaum's offer and was amazingly thrilled with my first ever experience with a chiropractor.  He was very gentle and explained everything he was doing so I understood the process.  Also the coupon was for a free 25 minute session and I started my session no later than 3 and was finished at 3:45 so you do the math...woo hoo extra time!  The best part is that its actually not really expensive.  45 dollars for 45 minutes and with my health insurance, I only pay 20 dollars.  A really positive turn in the extremely stressful week I've had.

I have embarked on the journey of providing the Film Production Coalition with their first ever club tshirt.  It is proving to be no simple task.  First was the complicated task of getting everyone to agree on a design and color, as well as getting the color of the shirt to work well with the design people wanted.  Once that was taken care of, I submitted a purchase order to get the company their money for printing the shirts, however, this also proved challenging, as several of the colleges that provided our club money have not gotten the paperwork taken care of to give us the money.  One road block after another...don't you just love's the most efficient way to get things done.  That's just how I see it.

Is anyone out there frustrated about the inefficient methods of some organizations?